May 07, 2004

I'm grinning again!

Eeeeeeeeeee! I'm feeling quite bouncy and grinny and I don't know why! Yes I do know that 'grinny' isn't a word but I like it so it is now! :D

Shez, thank you for your kind comments. I must admit, at this moment in time I DO feel really good. Thanks to the strength given to me by my (supportive) friends, I feel like I'm able to cope with what life throws at me. Yes, the way I am there will proably be initial sulks everytime a new situation pops up but then I can adjust and move on.

Like the whole L. thing. It's funny how she says she used to enjoy coming round here for the company and everything but since she's started using the University internet connection a lot more I haven't seen her in this house for about a week and a bit. Fair enough. It honestly doesn't bother me if she's that selfish. It's rude and irritating but it is what it is.

Besides, with the end of Uni so near I'm looking forward to the future and what new experience's it is going to bring like Rosie's Wedding!!! (sorry, just had to highlight that) oh and Sheryl Crow!!! so I reckon I'm doing alright!

Thanks for your comments too Illman. You are right, time spent thinking about regrets is, in effect, time wasted. Yes I didn't make as much of Uni as I could have done but I've still survived (and it has been an ordeal, as this exact blog will testify to) so I guess I've done ok.

So what exciting things have I chosen to do recently? Not much really. I watched Daylight on ITV2 last night, jolly good film. Yes it's dumb, yes it's Stallone but I still really enjoyed it! :D

I need to be getting on with my assignment on "How has assessment affected the primary classroom?" now. I've got that and a 10 minute presentation to do for Monday (the presentation is on the essay though so it's not too bad).

Before I go I wanted to mention that I realised last night how much I'm going to miss my friends from Uni when it all finishes. That's a bridge I'll cross when I get to it. I also realised that I miss my niece. My housemate Simon has just become an Uncle and it reminded me (not that I ever forget really) that I've got a niece out there somewhere who, for various reasons that weren't my brother's fault, I haven't seen since she was a baby (about 8 or 9 years ago now). So I was pretty down last night. But I'm over it now. I've got an afternoon of work ahead of me then it's the 3b's tonight: bed, book, beer. :D I know I'm old before my time but that is how I want to spend my Friday night. :D

I MIGHT watch the last in the series of Friends and I will watch Derrin Brown on Channel 4 at 10pm, looking forward to that!

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