October 27, 2004

Wallowing before bed...

Good things about my life:

I have lots of free time

I have enough DVDs, books, games and other stuff to do to fill that free time three times over

I have enough money in the bank to be comfortable and not worry too much about money

I have a roof over my head, food in the fridge, clothes on my back etc.

I like my job - it's fun

If I wanted I could play XBox all day from waking up to going to work and no-one would batt an eyelid.

I've got one more book to read before I finish the Dark Tower series - but I'm going to put it on my Christmas list and see if Santa brings me it.


Bad things about my life:

I have no one friend here in York - and that's my housemate Dave.

Many people my age (Jon & Debbie, Adam and Hazel, Rosie and Matt, Simon and Helen) are getting settled - heck, Jon & Debbie + Adam & Hazel are getting married next year and all are younger than I am. I can't even get someone to reply to my profile on match.com

My life is going no-where at this point. I've got to decide two things during November: What do I want to do as a career? Where do I want to do it? I feel obliged to be a teacher, after all that was what I trained to do. However, I'm not enthusiastic about doing that. I like the idea of being in the police force but I know people in my family who wouldn't be happy about that. Plus it might make my life harder if I ever DO decide to go into teaching.

My life is dull and un-inspiring. I know I'm the only one who can change this but I'm lacking opportunities here. Most events/clubs and such meet in the evenings which I can't do 'cause of my job. I have weekends but I'm so tired on the weekends recently that going out is the last thing on my mind. Plus, I can't really go anywhere without anyone to go somewhere with. There's my mates from back home but they only come through to York every so-often.

I feel like such a loser around Jon & Debbie + Adam & Hazel. That or invisible.

My family sucks.

I'm probably going to fail my driving test.


Here's hoping I feel better in the morning.

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