November 19, 2004


It's Friday Q time:

FQ TOPIC: Endings.

FQ1: What's your favorite ending to a movie or play?

Oh, damn that's a tough one. My favourite ending to a play, granted I haven't seen many, would have to be Tom Stoppard's Arcadia. The way the man has two time-periods on stage at once is very impressive. I've seen it live, in Newcastle/Nottingham I think it was. So many plot-lines coming to an end in one very cleverly written finale.

Best ending to a film has got to be The Crow. It's one of the few action films I know that has a heart. I've often said this. Great film.

FQ2: What's your favorite ending to a song or musical?

Bloody hell, I don't know. Erm..... I like Meatloaf's Bat out of hell 2. I like the finality of Bon Jovi's "It's My Life". But I think, off the top of my head, I'd have to say one of the songs from the Buffy Musical episode "Rest In Peace". Such a cool song and just a great ending.

FQ3: What's your favorite ending to a book or graphic novel?

Favourite ending to a book would have to be the ending to Jasper Fforde's first novel "The Eyre Affair". Yes he left it wide open for a sequel but he also came up with an answer to who wrote Shakespeare's plays (an answer which I found quite cunning) as well as adding some hilarity and damn strangeness into the mix.

FQ Memorial: What would be your favorite ending to your life?

"Chris died, aged 92, whilst making love to his 19 year old, pop-star wife"

Oh, and also thanks to Dave (the author of the Friday Q) who reminded me that the Elektra movie (with Jennifer Garner) was being made, I checked IMDB and it's released in January!!!!!!!! Alias and Elektra in January. :D Click the image for more infor!

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