July 29, 2007


Okay, so i'm out of time to prepare my music rec like I was going to so another funny webcam photo of yours truly:

Me and the DVDs that are GOING to get me through this! :D


  1. *waves to her B-schedule buddy before collapsing into bed.

    I give up on the picture. Keep at it while I'm out, you've got a lovely idea here!

  2. Okay, so when are you actually going to start posting something worthwhile?

    So far it has just been pictures of you.

    Are we sponsoring you just to sit in front of your computer for 24 hours, or are you actually going to start blogging?

  3. Wow, way to hide behind "anonymous," little guy. Next time try reading the posts before you whine.

  4. Oh right, so "glo_paint" is your actual name, is it? And that's a picture of you there, is it?

    For your information, I have read every word. It didn't take me long.

  5. Gee anonymous are you also planning on staying awake for 24 hours for charity?
    Didn't think so so shut the Hell up you idiot.

  6. You look so different, so much better looking in this picture, opposed to the one on your profile :)

    I heart Without A Trace, but would you believe me if I told you I've made it from 11 PM to now, 12:15 PM without any music or television?

    That will change in a few minute though, Cubs game is about to begin.

  7. My mother was a hippie, what can I say? D=


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