July 30, 2007


Well, this is it. The End. Finito.

I'm really sad actually, I've had an absolute blast doing this. Today has flown by in a haze of surfing, comments, entries, IM's, Youtube videos and everything. You guys have been awesome and we've all raised a lot of money for charity.

I can't wait for my finally tally to be worked out, I'm very, very proud of myself, and it's not often I can say that.

*sniff* I don't want it to end actually, I can see why some of the A-schedulers came back.

You guys rock!

Until next year (or you can friend my gledster2000.livejournal.com LJ),

This is Gledster's last entry (possibly).


Join in the conversation! Of course, if you're a SPAMMER you can FOAD! Have a nice day.